Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Not So Shocking Disney Secrets - Which Park is the Smallest? #shorts

 Not So Shocking Disney Secrets - Which Park is the Smallest? #shorts

While walking around each Walt Disney World park, it is easy to get lost in all the magic around you and your family. Actual size is difficult to determine when Forced Perspective and other techniques are used to make what you see, hear, touch, and smell more magical.

Disney World Imagineers are experts at making sure that you only see what they want you to see. This also makes it harder to judge just how much area a park occupies. But if you had to guess, which of the four parks do you think is the largest? Which park is the smallest? And what about the other two parks? Would you be surprised to know that one park is five times larger than another? Disney does a great job in immersing the guests in Disney Magic, making it difficult to judge size when so much is happening around you. Find out the answers in this #shorts video

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