Sunday, October 31, 2021

Disney World Vlog Hollywood Studios Fun Facts #shorts

 Disney World Vlog Hollywood Studios Fun Facts #shorts

Where was Disney's Hollywood Studios originally going to be built?

Hint - Not as a Theme Park!

Disney Imagineers envisioned a land devoted to movies and tv, which really fit in nicely with the other concepts in Epcot.

Disney's Hollywood Studios was planned to be a new Land and Pavillion at Future World in Epcot!

Plans changed when Universal Studios Orlando was announced!

Once Universal Studios Orlando was announced, the CEO of Disney at that time, Michael Eisner, decided that Disney M.G.M. (later changed to Disney's Hollywood Studios) should be a full theme park, like Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Animal Kingdom was the newest addition to Disney World.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Disney World - Where is the Lion? #shorts

 Disney World - Where is the Lion? #shorts

On Kilimanjaro Safari, why is there always a Lion laying on the rock near the ride?

Disney Secret - They air condition that area so a Lion will always enjoy the cooler air!

They also put honey on top of the Safari vehicles to help attract the elephants!

To make the rides more interesting to the Animal Kingdom guests, the animal experts have to take a few extra steps to entice them to be more accessible to the riders on the safari. 

They must also be careful not to get the animals and guests in a position of danger either, so a delicate balance has to be maintained at all times!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Disney World - Where's My Sunglasses? #shorts

 Disney World - Where's My Sunglasses? #shorts

Disney World - Where's My Sunglasses? #shorts - Fun Facts about Walt Disney World and how many sunglasses go missing! Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less! What happens when you lose your sunglasses at Disney World? Why is Disney World's Lost and Found quite busy??

How many pairs of sunglasses go missing each year? It is reported in August 2021 that the average cost of a pair of sunglasses, which can have a very wide difference in prices, was about $69.

At that average cost, about $5,037,000 of missing sunglasses are turned in to Walt Disney World's Lost and Found - each year!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Disney World - The Trashy Side #shorts

 Disney World - The Trashy Side #shorts

Fun Facts about Walt Disney World and how they handle garbage!

Where do you throw out your trash at Disney World? Why is Disney World one of the cleanest theme parks anywhere?

When you consider all the trash that must be generated by the millions of guests to Walt Disney World every year, it is easy to see why they would have taken their trash very seriously and put much thought and design to handle and dispose of it efficiently and with minimal disruption to the experience of their guests.

It all starts with a convenient and easy reason for Disney visitors to use the trash cans around the parks so their massive system can handle garbage from the point of the trash receptacle, all the way until it leaves the property.

Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less! #waltdisneyworld50

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Not So Shocking Disney Secrets - Which Park is the Smallest? #shorts

 Not So Shocking Disney Secrets - Which Park is the Smallest? #shorts

While walking around each Walt Disney World park, it is easy to get lost in all the magic around you and your family. Actual size is difficult to determine when Forced Perspective and other techniques are used to make what you see, hear, touch, and smell more magical.

Disney World Imagineers are experts at making sure that you only see what they want you to see. This also makes it harder to judge just how much area a park occupies. But if you had to guess, which of the four parks do you think is the largest? Which park is the smallest? And what about the other two parks? Would you be surprised to know that one park is five times larger than another? Disney does a great job in immersing the guests in Disney Magic, making it difficult to judge size when so much is happening around you. Find out the answers in this #shorts video

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts - Haunted Mansion

 Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts - Haunted Mansion

The Haunted Mansion in Disney World is filled with mystery, folklore, backstories, and secrets. Of course, many guests enjoy the Haunted Mansion ghosts, and likely wonder how Disney makes it happen. 

In particular, the dancing ghosts in the Ballroom scene seem to appear and disappear. In my opinion, even knowing how Disney does this does not make it any less special!

The actual technique has been used for various demonstrations and shows over the course of many years.

You could duplicate this effect yourself. You, and your family if you want to amaze everyone with your knowledge, should sit in your car while it is dark out and around you. Everyone looks ahead at the dark windshield. Turn the interior light on and continue to look forward, then turn off the light.

What did you all see? Your ghostly reflections when the light was lit but disappeared when the light went off? Guess what? You just created the same effect that Walt Disney Imagineers use!

Watch the video to learn more!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Disney World Orlando Fun Facts - Hall of Presidents #shorts

 Disney World Orlando Fun Facts - Hall of Presidents #shorts

Next time you go to Disney World Orlando, and you are in Magic Kingdom, visit Liberty Square for a taste of America in the time that we were the original 13 colonies.

While there, one of the most impressive attractions is the Hall of Presidents. This is a must-see attraction, very patriotic, and a great attraction for kids to learn about the great people that have led our country, through difficult times and happy times.

As of the time of this writing, we are being led by the 46th President of the United States. 

There are a total of 45 animatronic figures in the Hall of Presidents, yet each President our country has had is represented once there.

How is this possible? Watch the video #shorts below!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Walt Disney World Fun Facts - Where's the Open Sewer in Magic Kingdom?


Walt Disney World Fun Facts - Where's the Open Sewer in Magic Kingdom?

   During the early days of our young nation, nicely depicted in the Liberty Square area of Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World Orlando, homes did not have indoor plumbing. Instead, it was common for people to pour the waste in the streets or even through it out second-story windows, landing in the street. Hopefully, rain would help carry it away or it would be absorbed into the soil.

   Either way, it was a mess for all to deal with!

   To be true to detail, the Imagineers decided to add brown gravel into the pavement, depicted to look like flowing wastewater, through the areas of Liberty Square. To the casual observer, it might look like simply a pattern on the pavement. However, now you know that this would have been the waste, and simply the areas to avoid stepping in!

   Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Photos

Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Where Did My Luggage Go?


Travel Tip for Your Luggage!

   Traveling can be fun and when traveling with a family, it can help build long-lasting memories. 
  Arriving at a large airport like Orlando, it is important to figure out quickly where places such as Baggage Pickup are located as well as where ground transportation is accessible to your traveling party.
  Your dark blue suitcase may have looked great at home but now looks like the hundreds of other suitcases being circulated on the belt that you are anxiously watching. As much as you want to find your bags, you also want to make sure no one else takes your bags by accident!
   As the countdown continues toward your waiting shuttle and the kids tell you every few minutes how bored they are and how much they want to be home with their friends, and the suitcases begin to make their second and third trip around the belt - then remember this upcoming tip next time you travel!
   Before you leave home, get some brightly colored curled ribbon or raffia. Tie a short section on the outside of each bag you checked. Make sure that it will not interfere with the grips or handles that baggage handlers will likely use during the loading and unloading. In fact, attaching two separate small clumps of this curly ribbon is a good idea, should one get pulled off by accident.
   This way, when each bag comes out on the conveyor belt, all your family members, including children, will be able to help spot your baggage.
   Lastly, leave extra precut sections inside each bag for the return trip, just in case they get removed on the first leg of your journey.
   We have used this method while flying many times and we are always thankful at the baggage carousel with all bags in hand and overall low-stress levels!

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Photos - Cinderella Castle #shorts

 Walt Disney World Fun Facts

The Castle was built with an apartment suite for Walt Disney but is now used for castle performers to relax when on break! Did You know the castle's proper name is "Cinderella Castle"? It is commonly called Cinderella's Castle, which is incorrect! Disney World trivia, including fun facts about #DisneyWorld, add to the overall Disney experience.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Walt Disney World Orlando Fun Facts - Forced Perspective #shorts

 Forced Perspective is used all over Walt Disney World to save on space and make buildings look taller!

The lower section of a building is built at 80% of normal size, the middle at 60%, and the upper section at 40% so everything looks taller!

Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Photos - Cinderella's Castle #shorts

 Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida!

The soil needed to raise Magic Kingdom to build Utilidors came from digging the Seven Seas Lagoon!

Imagineers used "Forced Perspective" to make the Castle look taller than its 189 feet. Otherwise, it would have needed aircraft beacons!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Fantasyland #shorts

 Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

Did You Know that Old World Europe is represented at Disney World in Fantasyland?

Each time You go from one land to another in the Magic Kingdom, the architecture, landscaping, and background sound change subtly. See if you can spot this!

Friday, October 15, 2021

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Underground Utilidors #shorts

 Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

Magic Kingdom is actually on the 2nd floor at Disney World. The first floor has the Utilidor system!

Utilidors are the tunnels, offices, and facilities under Magic Kingdom. They allow cast members to only be seen in costume at the right places and times!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Photos - Who was Mr. M. Mouse? #shorts

 Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

A Mr. M. Mouse headed up a number of companies buying land in central Florida at $180 acre When it was discovered that Walt Disney was planning to build in Florida, the price went to $1000 per acre. The last bit of land needed cost $80,000 per acre!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Walt Disney World Orlando Fun Facts about Main Street USA #shorts

 Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

The street lamps on Main St begin as gas lamps and progress to electric as you move forward in time! The windows above Main St look like small-town business owners but actually are a tribute to real people instrumental in creating Magic Kingdom!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts at Walt Disney World #shorts


Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts at Walt Disney World #shorts

Monday, October 11, 2021

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Orlando Fun Facts Photos #shorts

 Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

Firehouse 71 is to the left as you enter Main Street, a reminder that the park opened in 1971 At Tony's Town Square Restaurant, if you go inside to the back window, you can see Lady and the Tramp having a quiet dinner together outside!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Walt Disney World Orlando Fun Facts Photos #shorts

 Discover the hidden secrets, trivia, and stories from Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Orlando Theme Parks Fun Facts delivered in daily video #shorts of 30 seconds or less!

At WDW it's been said that the simple thrill ride formula is "Fear minus death equals fun! Did you know that the borders along Main Street USA are a specific shade of red to enhance guests' photos, especially to contrast the green grass! #soccer #calcio #football #fifa #soccer #calcio #football #fifa — Try Fantasy Sports (@TryFantasySport) Aug 18, 2022 from Twitter https://twitte...